CommunitY Resilience

During the global pandemic conditions, KSE pivoted our time from in-person marketing, to supporting food security, small business resilience, and began a new company focused on fire mitigation.

Please enjoy this evolving section of our website as our portfolio grows, and feel free to reach out if you’d like us to do some work.


Event recording from Ask-A-Cooper series hosted by Berkeley Student Cooperative Alumni Association hosted in partnership with the Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC) and Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives (NoBAWC). The Ask-a-Cooper activities are FREE to join! Let's promote cooperation among cooperatives for sustainable, resilient economies. In this episode, How to Begin A Resilient Home-Making Practice with Soul Sister Screenprinting you’ll get an overview of home gardening practices for most living situations, if you have a window (or a grow bulb) you can grow.

In partnership with Soul Sister Screenprinting, KSE Outreach has been building garden boxes in the SF Bay area. Help improve your neighborhood food security by sponsoring a box for yourself or a neighbor! Click link for info.

Indoor sprouting is a great way to start gardening without any outdoor space. Click to see full video of gardening techniques to get you started with your home grown practice.