Kazoo Studios East is a women-owned and led marketing firm that supports organizations in tapping marketing to drive towards a more resilient future.

Since 2011, we’ve built a strong network of Bay Area clients through custom marketing strategy, campaigns, collateral development, and design consultation for projects and initiatives that make lasting change.

Our team of outreach specialists, marketing consultants, and designers uphold our values of equity, inclusion, and sustainability in our approach to supporting communities.

This firm is part of a larger family of teams under the KSE Brand, all working toward a focused aim of promoting critical behavior shifts for 21st century survival.

Image of a screenprinting shirt with two paint cans that read, "Joyful Live and Justice for All" in handwriten script.


Supporting a collective drive to a sustainable planet is paramount to everything we do

Building cross-sector partnerships, we’ve worked with stakeholders to create meaningful change and measurably reduce carbon footprints. While we believe humans lead the acceleration of global warming and the collapsing ecosystems of the world, we also dream that humans can also reverse the worst effects through collective, emergent shifts for community resilience.


Designed in collaboration with local migrant farmer workers, this project at the local community food coop in Ithaca, NY raised awareness about the inequality built into our food systems.
